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Aja odrasta sa svojom majkom na ostrvu Lau. Vesela i bezbrižna, uživa u branju kokosa i spavanju na pesku. Međutim, njen raj je osuđen na nestajanje pod vodom. Dok talasi prete njenoj kući, Aja donosi odluku: nivo mora može porasti, ali ona neće otići sa svog ostrva.



Ayhuasca: Expansion of Consciousness, tells the story of Ayahuasca, from its emergence in the Amazonian Forest, to its popularity with the Santo Daime religion, and on to its arrival in urban centres. Combining scientific, religious and anthropological perspectives on the use of Ayahuasca in modern society, and in parallel with the director Fausto Noro's own healing process, Ayhuasca: Expansion of Consciousness provides for the first time, a holistic, yet balanced view of this controversial subject.  

Documentary Film Festival


Festival će u četvrtak, 1. februara u 19 časova u sali 6 mts Dvorane otvoriti film “Anselm” Vima Vendersa u 3D tehnici.  



With Arcadia, the BAFTA award-winning Scottish director Paul Wright has repurposed archive material to tell a provocative story for our times. Set to an original score by musicians Adrian Utley (Portishead) and Will Gregory (Goldfrapp), Arcadia blends a mixture of film and TV footage from the BFI National Archive and regional archives around the UK, creating a powerful mosaic of images, sounds and moods, taking in folk carnivals and masked parades, hunting and harvesting, communes and raves, mechanisation, environmental destruction, fires, floods, storms. Arcadia reminds us what happens when our connection to nature, and each other, frays and unravels. By exploring and asking ourselves what we have gained and lost in the last century, perhaps we will discover something of what we’ll need to survive in the next.

Documentary Film Festival


Self-Portrait is a tapestry of footage collected from surveillance cameras around the world over the last four years. Woven together as a poem, the film travels from moment to moment, beginning with the frozen storminess of winter, to the melt of spring, the lush heat of summer, and finally the decay and cooling of autumn: the dawn of winter. Self-Portrait shows a candid peek at humanity as it has chosen to document itself – all of these cameras set up for primarily capitalistic, "property"-protecting purposes, but yielding a beauty and a truth – an incidental portrait.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival


Thousands of homeless people in Greece are experiencing social exclusion. At the same time, the state does not assume its responsibilities, violating social and human rights. As it follows the lives and problems of three homeless people in Athens, the documentary explores the state's failure to provide a safety net and examines possible solutions.

Documentary Film Festival




Area 51, flying saucers from another world - and the program to create a fierce technology. Bob Lazar has lived a wild life. He remains the singular most famous and controversial name in the world of UFOs. The reason you know about Area 51 is because Lazar came forward and told you about it. His disclosures have turned his life upside-down and he has tried to stay out of the spotlight. For this reason, he has never let any filmmaker into the private world of his daily life - that is - until now. Corbell’s film will explore Lazar’s claims through the lens of thirty years - providing rare and never before revealed footage - guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.



Kada se migrantkinja odvoji od svog deteta, kada transrodni vojnik rizikuje da izgubi karijeru, kada su ugrožena reproduktivna i osnovna glasačka prava - pet do sada neopevanih junaka preduzima zakonske mere da zaštiti njihove i naše slobode.

BORBA je inspirativan, emotivan pogled na četiri ključna slučaja i advokate na prvim linijama nemilosrdnih napada na građanske slobode u vreme vladavine Donalda Trampa. Režiseri Elise Steinberg, Josh Kriegman i Eli Despres beleže uspone i padove, uzbuđenje, uspehe i poraze u ovim teškim ljudskim bitkama.



Central Bus Station is one of the biggest and at the same time, one of the most pathetic stations in the world. Its architect's visionary plans for a building that will engulf its visitors turned into an endless maze of corridors. The gift for Tel Aviv’s citizens now serves as a haven for refugees from all over the world. Yonatan has been guiding people through for 17 years already, showing people, who follow, the dark side of the station. He discovers communities in places that were supposed to stay hidden. These communities are overseeing their traditions and values and they want to defend their new home. This way, the building reflects a world of the society outside its walls.



In 2007 Banksy slips into Palestine to paint on walls. Among the artworks Banksy and his team left in the streets of Bethlehem, one in particular, the mural of an Israeli soldier asking a donkey for its papers incites fury: it's one thing to enter the territory and start working without even introducing yourself to the community, but it's quite another to depict them as asses for all the world to see. Local taxi driver Walid steps in and with the support of the community and a water-jet stone cutter cuts out the offending wall. His declared aim: to put it on Ebay and sell it to the highest bidder. What follows is a story of clashing cultures, art, identity, theft and black market.
Ono što sledi je priča o sukobu kultura, umetnosti, identiteta, krađe i crnog tržišta.



Criptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains i budućnost Interneta duboko zaranjaju u kripto ekosistem i blockchain tehnologiju kako bi otkrili dobre, loše i ružne strane ove kontroverzne industrije, njene glavne narative, sukobe i glavne igrače koji stoje iza nje. Da li se blockchain tehnologija može koristiti za stvaranje novog, pravednijeg, decentralizovanog i necenzurisanog web3.0-a gde možemo da kontrolišemo svoje podatke i zaštitimo svoj mrežni identitet? Ili će se potencijal rasipati dok se mega korporacije ponovo takmiče za dominaciju na ovom novom polju.



Zapanjujuće priče žena rođenih u SSSR-u – pionirki i borkinja - čije svedočenje otkriva njihovo iskustvo u borbi za ženska prava od Revolucije 1917. do danas. Intimno, iznenađujuće, smešno, ekscentrično, bolno i kontradiktorno - Dan žena istražuje živote žena koje žive i opstaju kroz turbulentnu eru istorijskih i društvenih promena i pruža jedinstven uvid u ruski feminizam.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival


Body Parts traces the evolution of "sex" on-screen from a woman’s perspective, uncovering the uncomfortable realities behind some of the most iconic scenes in cinema history and celebrating the bold creators leading the way for change.

Glavni program


Doba nevinosti je priča o sentimentalnom obrazovanju: o sinu koji se suočava sa odlaskom od majke i pokušava da utaba stazu svog odrastanja. U doba dece koja su večni adolescenti i ostarelih roditelja, reditelj uranja u svoju intimu i preispituje povezanost sa svojom majkom.



A mother finds out on the Internet that her son is a gay porn star abroad. A journey of distance, closeness and love guided by the Facebook messages of a woman fearing to lose her son.


The State Against Nelson Mandela and the Others

2018 marks the centenary of Nelson Mandela's birth. He seized center stage during a historic trial in 1963 and 1964. But there were eight others who, like him, faced the death sentence. They too were subjected to pitiless cross-examinations. To a man they stood firm and turned the tables on the state: South Africa's apartheid regime was in the dock. Recently recovered archival recordings of those hearings transport us back into the thick of the courtroom battles



Following the discovery of manuscripts, photographs and films of the Colombian ethnographer Gregorio Hernández de Alba, a delusion is intertwined and presented: the one that caused -and continues to cause- the tragic disagreement and misunderstanding between Spaniards and Native Americans, between conquerors and settlers, and the traces of this trauma in history. Double Me is a hypnotic visual and sound experience, built as a palimpsest of different eras and materials. An archive film both found and created; a documentary filled with fiction and stories that update the main drama of the history of Colombia: the impossibility to come face-to-face with one another and to recognize in our differences a shared humanity and a shared homeland.

Documentary Film Festival


Best known for his eccentric and unconventional film choices, Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors of his day and age in Hollywood, and has carved a legacy for himself as a serious, well-rounded performer. His tendency to frequently play freakishly eccentric outcasts whose oddities are misunderstood by society has made him one of the world's best character actors, with iconic roles such as Captain Jack Sparrow and Willy Wonka. From his stranger roles like the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland to more conventional performances like John Dillinger in Public Enemies, Johnny Depp has managed to capture the hearts of millions, making him a household name. Johnny Depp is Hollywood's chameleon.

Glavni program


Edna je odrasla sa majkom u blizini autoputa Transbrazilijana u brazilskom Amazonu. Svedokinja zemlje u ruševinama koja je izgrađena na masakrima, ona oseća tragove "beskrajnog rata" - rata za zemljište. Na osnovu Edninih sećanja i njenog dnevnika nazvanog „Priča mog života“, film gradi hibridni narativ koji se kreće između realnosti i imaginacije.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival


Elise in Brest, Alexia in Saint-Etienne, Cécile in Compiègne, Jill in Marseille: four of the thousands of young women denouncing sexist violence, public harassment and macho aggression to which they are subjected daily. At night, armed with white sheets and black paint, they plaster the streets with messages of support for the victims of misogyny and slogans decrying femicide. Some are feminists of long-standing, others have never campaigned before – all are in revolt against the abuse that has too often overwhelmed their lives. Sexism is everywhere – so are they!

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival




Ceo svet je to doživeo. Prazne ulice. Ograničeni društveni život. Slušanje novinskih izveštaja o sve većem broju zaraženih i umrlih. Polako vraćanje u normalu tek nakon nekoliko meseci. Prvi ljudi na ulicama i prva šetnja gradom. Zbog proglašenog vanrednog stanja i obaveznih zahteva za karantinom, Fernando je zapeo u Barseloni, a Cezar u Santijagu. Zajedno su stvorili prodoran filmski kolaž od svojih svakodnevnih utisaka tokom dana stagnacije i neizvesnosti, koristeći pisma koja su razmenili između marta i maja 2020. Lajtmotiv njihove prepiske Covid-19, je želja da se slobodno kreću.

Documentary Film Festival


This film which is told from the perspective of a future era after the sixth mass extinction of species is conceived as an ironic overview of the history of the attempts to establish this kind of interspecific communication. Through a series of encounters with musicians and music theorists, the film poses the question whether birdsong only serves a biological purpose or whether it has any poetic qualities and/or fixed rules. However, the often absurd effort to discover the secret of the bird language is motivated not only by curiosity but also by an unsettling desire to dominate.



Truman Kapote je bio jedinstvena figura 20. Veka i njegovi romani Doručak kod Tifanija i Hlaknokrvno ubistvo, bile su bestseleri. Sada CAPOTE TAPES donosi novi portret koji oživljava naše razumevanje ovog vitalnog i značajnog pisca. Među otkrićima filma su novootkrivene trake intervjua koje je suosnivač The Paris Review Đžordž Plimpton vodio sa Kapoteovim prijateljima nakon njegove smrti.

Film se snažno zadržava na Kapoteovom poslednjem nedovršenom romanu Uslišene molitve, koji je imao za cilj da razotkrije socijalnu aristokratiju Menhetna nakon što se sprijateljio s njima. Plimptonove trake bacaju novo svetlo na ono što se dogodilo. Protkane su Kapoteovim “ozloglašenim” televizijskim nastupima i pronicljivim intervjuima sa ljudima poput Dika Kaveta i Džeja Meklneneja.



Arthur Chu hacked Jeopardy. and won big. Now, he's using his newfound online celebrity to battle dark forces on the internet as a blogger and cultural pundit. Raw, unfiltered and poignant, we follow Arthur as he realizes he can only create positive change in the world if he first heals his own wounds by reconciling with his family.



In WE OWN THE CRISIS Rebekka Kaufmann accompanies a family from Athens in their everyday life -a family who is concerned by the compulsory sale of their flat. On a wider level the film is a reflection of the current citenzens situation in Greece and the consequences of the Greek and European crisis.

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Ovo je road movie snimljen tokom jedne godine u moskovskom metro sistemu: dokumentarni film koji se bavi kulturološkim i društvenim problemima savremene Rusije. To je studija sa elementima apsurdističke tragikomedije, bez glavnih likova; portret jednog društva sa svim njegovim radostima i izazovima.

Documentary Film Festival


A close look at the legendary Magnum photographer Josef Koudelka's past, memories, his thoughts about photography, his stance on life and his emotional journey through 'Ruins', his last project, which is about the archeological ruins of ancient cities in Mediterranean regions.

Glavni program


Tokom poslednjih 30 godina, di-džej Loran Garnije bio je za miks pultovima bezbrojnih klubova i festivala širom sveta. Njegova karijera opisuje istoriju dens muzike, pomešanu sa dečačkom avanturom. U ovom zarazno nostalgičnom dokumentarcu, Garnije i druge žive legende dens scene vode nas uz pumpanje taktova kroz tri decenije haus muzike.

Documentary Film Festival


Whaling used to be a necessity, but today the world is globalised and you can get everything your heart desires in the supermarket. Yet whales are hunted every year in the fjords of the Faroe Islands, and kilos of meat are distributed among the islanders. The bloody scenes have caused outrage in the international media. With knife in hand, the Faroese point to the hypocrisy of those who condemn whaling but turn a blind eye to the methods of the meat industry. Is it better to eat imported minced meat than whale meat caught in the wild? When the animal activists from Sea Shepherds travel to the Faroe Islands to demonstrate, the conflict erupts into flames. With a sober and perceptive eye for the complex fractures between opposites, director Vincent Kelner covers the conflict without choosing sides. For perhaps there are more than two sides to what appears to be a sharply drawn affair. Tradition, culture, history, identity, sustainability and biodiversity are just some of dilemmas facing the islanders today.

Documentary Film Festival


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Uprkos tome što je voleo svim srcem, Luj Armstrong nikada nije priznao svoju ćerku. Danas, 50 godina nakon smrti ovog muzičkog genija, ćerka koja se zaklela na život u tajnosti prekida svoju tišinu učestvujući u pisanju scenarija za ovaj iznenađujuć i uzbudljiv dokumentarac.

Documentary Film Festival


In 2011. after traveling to tsunami stricken areas in Japan, living with migrants in Paris and exploring Accursed Mountains in Albania, the protagonist is coming back to his hometown in Mon- tenegro, only to find out that his father has terminal illness. Four stories are filmed in Montenegro in eight-years period: Blood Feud and its repercussions; Sworn Virgin phenomena; love between a friend who overdosed and was left with severe brain damage and his sister who has been looking after him since; and witnessing the last days of his father due to terminal cancer. Through these stories and the people he connects with, the protagonist contemplates eternal questions: reality, truth, searching for home, memory and love.



Film o Majklu Hačensu, međunarodno poznatog pevača INXS -a, složenog i stidljivog čoveka koji je veći deo svog života proveo u očima javnosti, retko otkrivajući svoje istinsko ja. Retki arhivski snimci i intimni uvidi prijatelja, ljubavnika, porodice, kolega i samog Majkla Hačensa prikazuju njegov život od početka njegove lošeg porodičnog bekgraunda do vrhova rok zvezde i pada nakon što je nakaza u Kopenhagenu ozbiljno uticala na njegov život i sposobnost da se nosi sa svojim ličnim i profesionalnim životom. Dugometražni dokumentarac je napisao i režirao Ričard Lovenstejn, režiser većine muzičkih spotova grupe INXS.

Documentary Film Festival


A real-life sheltered 40 year old virgin embarks on a cross-continental quest to rediscover the adulthood he’s missed out on. As his younger friends guide and challenge him far out of comfort zone to grow up, fears and past traumas arise.



Radikalna introspekcija i filmski dnevnik koji nas vodi u srce bučnog indijskog grada i života zarobljenog u plitkim vodama. Nadareni umetnik, Nagnath zvani Nagastyle, počinje svoje putovanje da ostvari svoj san na osnovu beleški u svom dnevniku. Njegove nade u kreativno filmsko stvaralaštvo brzo zamenjuju beskrajne rutine ranih jutara, duga putovanja u prepunim autobusima i sedenje u neinspirativnoj kancelariji. Kriza postaje tema, film postaje možda sredstvo terapije, ali pre svega studija otuđenja koja se služi direktno, nefiltrirano, s potpunom iskrenošću i svakodnevnicom.



At a pre-season football party in small-town Steubenville, Ohio, a heinous crime took place: the assault of a teenage girl by members of the beloved high school football team. What transpired would garner national attention and result in the sentencing of two key offenders. But it was the disturbing social media evidence uncovered online by crime blogger Alex Goddard that provoked the most powerful questions about the case, and about the collusion of teen bystanders, teachers, parents and coaches to protect the assailants and discredit the victim. As it painstakingly reconstructs the night of the crime and its aftermath, Roll Red Roll uncovers the engrained rape culture at the heart of the incident, acting as a cautionary tale about what can happen when teenage social media bullying runs rampant and adults look the other way. The film unflinchingly asks: “why didn’t anyone stop it?”

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In the wake of the 2016 Chapecoense airplane crash that claimed all but three of the players' lives, the team and the city were divided about how to handle the tragedy: Should they focus on keeping the memory of the dead alive? Or move on? And as the team travels to play the championship game that the ill-fated roster should have played, can everyone come together around a common goal?

Glavni program


Naš zvuk ilusturuje sposobnost muzike da nam u ovom kritičnom trenutku ulije nadu i hrabrost, dozvoljavajući nam da tugujemo i budemo iskreni. Snimljen tokom dva meseca u pet zemalja usred pandemije COVID-19, ovaj revolucionarni film definiše magiju muzike u epskoj proslavi nade, humanosti i jedinstva.



For more than 35 years, the Soviets expand their geopolitical influence in Africa with humanitarian aid programs based on Marxist ideology. Up until 1991, some of the country’s best filmmakers were sent along to document the ‘glorious advance’ of socialism on the African continent. The Soviet Union broke apart and “socialism” became a dirty word. Russia, struggling with an economic crisis, lost all political interest in Africa. Still, thousands of kilometers of film footage remain.



“Neka vrsta raja” je film o najvećoj američkoj zajednici penzionera pod imenom Villages - velike, samostalne utopije smeštene u centralnoj Floridi. Iza vrata ove fantastične zemlje okružene palmama, film prikazuje snove i želje male grupe stanovnika sela - i jednog uljeza - koji nisu u stanju da pronađu sreću u unapred “upakovanom” raju zajednice. Upečatljivo snimljen i brižljivo komponovanih kadrova, ovaj dokumentarni film nudi istovremeno surov i nežan i nadrealni pogled na beskrajnu potragu za pronalaženjem smisla i ljubavi u završnom činu života. Producent filma je proslavljeni reditelj Daren Aronovski.

Documentary Film Festival


An energetic exploration of male identity via the lives, personalities, and adventures of a diverse band of men, real men across the globe all sharing the same name – James Bond.

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I pored urođene mane i nedostaka šaka i stopala, Miška uspeva da postane višestruki šampion za paraolimpijsku reperezentaciju u alpskom skijanju. Usled spleta okolnosti, Miška bude optužen za krađu, njegova karijera je ugrožena, ali dobija poslednju šansu da se vrati u tim i izbori se sa svojim nedostacima. Ova lična borba biće najveći izazov sa kojim se ikada suočio.

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Troje mladih pronalazača osnovaca učestvuju u državnom takmičenju programiranja satelita na Međunarodnoj svemirskoj stanici. Oni prolaze u finale takmičenja, a rezultat toga je da njihova neverovatna postignuća koriste astronauti u orbiti.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival




Dve milijarde godina ispred nas, buduća rasa ljudi našla se pred izumiranjem. Gotovo sve što je ostalo na svetu su usamljeni i nadrealni spomenici, koji svoju poruku prenose u divljinu.

Documentary Film Festival


Theaters of War is a 2022 American documentary film that examines the influence of the Pentagon and CIA in shaping Hollywood and television scripts, making use of the Freedom of Information Act to acquire internal state files.

Documentary Film Festival


Decades after her untimely death, Princess Diana continues to evoke mystery, glamour, and the quintessential modern fairy tale gone wrong. Crafted entirely from archive footage and free from retrospective voices, this documentary allows the People’s Princess’ story to be told like never before.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival




As Yves Saint Laurent, one of the greatest Parisian haute couture designers, draws the sketches for his final collection, behind the scenes, Pierre Bergé manages a series of events to celebrate the fashion icon as a modern myth. Immersed inside the couture house from 1998 to 2001, during YSL’s final years there, documentary filmmaker Olivier Meyrou’s camera films the YSL-Bergé duo.



Matija Štifanić je dvanaestogodišnjak, koji se, iako pripada “novoj” generaciji razlikuje od svojih vršnjaka, jer želi da se suoči sa jednom pričom iz prošlosti. Njegova prabaka je Milka Menjak Štifanić, koja je kao partizanka dospela u Aušvic prvim ženskim transportom (7. juli 1943) sa teritorije Nemačke okupacione zone u Srbiji. On nije imao priliku da je upozna, ali je zato imao priliku da pročita njene memoare...

Documentary Film Festival



Santiago, Italy

From September 1973, after the military coup led by General Pinochet, the Italian embassy in Santiago has hosted hundreds and hundreds of asylum seekers. Through interviews with the protagonists, Santiago,Italia tells the story of that dramatic period, during which some Italian diplomats have made possible the salvation of many human lives.

Documentary Film Festival


World renowned performer Cesária Évora in a new and intimate documentary. With previously unseen footage and insights into the singer's life, the film follows her struggles and success. Cesária's voice took her from poverty to stardom but her only dream was to be free.

Documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film Festival


Burnout, endless meetings and colourful Post-It notes with empty marketing phrases have hijacked meaningful work. How did we get there? Based on a sabotage manual developed during World War II, John Webster’s wildly entertaining and deeply upsetting film demonstrates how modern work has become a monster that devours itself – and everyone else around it. Without losing sight of the system’s human toll, the film speaks directly to a current agenda about how and how much we should actually work. And fortunately for all of us, there actually is a solution. At the heart of the film, we sit in with a group of successful business people as they come together to share their stories of burning out – and how they got on in life. Most people will no doubt be able to relate to much of ‘The Happy Worker’, and have a good, much-needed laugh about how it got this far.



Da li zaboravljamo one najbolje među nama zato što nas podsećaju da je moguće ostati svoj kada vremena očekuju da budeš nečiji? Film o vremenu i životu čovjeka koji je mogao da ujedini ono što je danas nepomirljivo. Film o „ocu“ srpskog vajarstva Sretenu Stojanoviću. Dete pravoslavnog sveštenika. sevičar po ubjeđenju. Patriota po rođenju. Revolucionar po genu. Mladobosanac, rusofil , pariski đak, srpski nacionalista, levičar, krajišnik, akademik, moderni  tradicionalista...

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Eksperimentalni hibrid dokumentarnog filma i fikcije u kojoj mladi ljudi od 15 do 22 godine koji dolaze iz različitih okruženja učestvuju na audiciji za ulogu mladog Nikolaja Čaušeskua sredinom 1930-ih godina dok pokušavaju da pronađu motivaciju iza njegovih postupaka.

Documentary Film Festival




In Caracas, Venezuela, the murder capital of the world, the Tupamaros have been hailed by some as modern-day Robin Hoods, and by others as violent thugs who rule the shanty towns with an eye for eye mentality and no regard for the law. With unprecedented access to these controversial vigilantes, director Martin Markovits chronicles seven turbulent years in the life of Alberto 'Chino' Carias, a former guerrilla fighter and Tupamaro leader, who rose to prominence after Hugo Chavez became president of Venezuela. Once accused of robbing banks and killing cops, Chino sheds his outlaw reputation and embraced Chavez's socialist revolution that promised to empower the country's poor.  



Žil Karon bio je na vrhuncu svoje karijere briljantnog fotoreportera kada je nestao u Kambodži 1970. Imao je samo 30 godina. Kroz svoje ikonične fotografije i praznine između njih, ovaj film, konstruisan poput istrage, ima za cilj da obnovi prisustvo fotografa, predstavi nam njegov specifičan ugao posmatranja i to kako je uspeo da za tako kratko vreme prati svaki sukob visokog intenziteta svoga vremena.

Glavni program


Mlada Melati Vijsen (18) poslednjih šest godina se bori protiv plastičnog otpada koji razara njenu zemlju, Indoneziju. Cela jedna nova generacija sprema se da popravi svet. Širom sveta, mladi se bore protiv klimatskih promena, za ljudska prava, slobodu izražavanja, društvenu pravdu i pristup obrazovanju i hrani. Oni nose sa sobom talas promena. Melati kreće na putovanje oko sveta da upozna svoje vršnjake.

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Grupa časnih sestara grčke pravoslavne crkve želi da izgradi manastir na strmoj i opasnoj planini koja se nadvija nad fjordom u zapadnoj Norveškoj. Gradonačelnik u njihovom projektu vidi priliku da se privuku turisti, ali časne sestre će morati više da se potrude da ubede lokalno stanovništvo da podrži njihov projekat.



Death-match legend "Sick" Nick Mondo takes a harrowing look at his life, his legacy and his impact on a younger generation of pro-wrestlers



At a time when tributes to it are on the rise - the Yale University library has just opened a VHS department - this is the history of the VHS, a globalized medium. The entertaining portrait of the mythical cassette, through a journey from East to West, then from West to East. The film will also take a look at the 1980s, a period that defined our world.

Glavni program


Vreme za odlazak je film o ocu čiji se sin koji živi u Nemačkoj razboli i vraća se u Tursku da živi sa ocem u kolibi na planini. Otac se sprema za njegov povratak, ali sin umire i otac žali što nije imao kontakt sa njim dok mu je sin bio u zatvoru zbog narkotika.

Glavni program


Vizuelno i zvučno putovanje u poetsku i konstruisanu sliku italijanskog pevača Luča Dala. Ovaj dokumentarac predstavlja neispričanu naraciju o svetu ovog umetnika, kroz reči njegovog vernog menadžera Tobija i njegovog prijatelja iz detinjstva Stefana Bonaža. Film meša biografiju i istoriju, stvarnost i maštu, kako to prikazuju pronađeni snimci, javni i privatni, zvanični i amaterski.



Jean Paul Gaultier. One of the most distinguished and remarkable fashion designers is renowned for his striking and subversive creations. But this season, it is neither a dress nor perfume, but rather the lavish Fashion Freak Show. In an all access look behind the scenes, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: FREAK & CHIC follows the exceptional and ambitious 2-years in the making of Gaultier’s glamorous cabaret, which will plunge viewers into the eccentric and often provocative universe of this iconic genius. Showcasing in intimate detail how this visionary designer assembled high-style choreography, original music, extravagant costume designs, and immersive set design in one of the most famous performance halls of the world’s fashion capital, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: FREAK & CHIC showcases the best of French glamour through this daring and colorful creation that pushes the boundaries of the fashion genre. Žan Pol Gotje: Frik i Šik prikazuje izuzetno ambiciozne dve godine stvaranja Gotjeovog glamuroznog kabarea koji će gledaoce uvesti u ekscentrični i često provokativni svet ovog jedinstvenog genija.

Glavni program


"Novosađanin Branko Ivatović bio je jedan od najboljih snimatelja jugoslovenske kinematografije.Taj sjajni direktor fotografije snimio je mnoštvo značajnih domaćih filmova i televizijskih ostvarenja, radio je i u inostranstvu, a njegov bogati i raznovrsni snimateljski opus ostaće trajno zabeležen kao vredan doprinos istorijatu jugoslovenskog filma druge polovine dvadesetog veka."

Glavni program


"Priča o Baronu Johannu Albrehtu von Raisvicu, majoru Vermahta, inače arheologu po obrazovanju, koji je za vreme 2. Svetskog rata bio zadužen za čuvanje srpske kulturne baštine (muzeja i spomenika) u okupiranoj Srbiji. I on ih je sačuvao, u uniformi majora Vermahta. Кako kaže naš scenarista i narator „Кoliko od Nemaca, toliko i od Srba“.
Još jedna od tema i još jedna ličnost o kojima u školi ništa nismo učili."



A 30 years odyssey: the world's most intriguing artists and thinkers from the fields of visual art, music, filmmaking, acting, literature, philosophy, politics, business and science, are asked the same question: "Why are you creative?"

Enter DOK


Kakve veze mogu postojati između ljudi koji žive toliko daleko jedni od drugih, ali su ujedinjeni istom traumom? Film istražuje ovu temu prateći svakodnevni život ljudi koji su pobegli od ratova na Balkanu, u Siriji i Abhaziji i koji, iako se nalaze usred ničega, dele jaku volju da nastave svoju potragu.

Glavni program


"Životinja” je dokumentarac francuskog reditelja i aktiviste Sirila Diona, o dva tinejdžera, Beli i Vipulanu, koji obilaze svet kako bi se sastali sa naučnicima i aktivistima, a deo su generacije koja je uverena da je njena budućnost u opasnosti. Oglašavali su alarm iznova i iznova, ali ništa se zapravo nije promenilo. Zato su odlučili da se pozabave korenom problema: našim odnosom sa živim svetom.
Tokom izuzetnog putovanja, oni shvataju koliko su ljudi duboko povezani sa svim ostalim živim vrstama."
